This is the starting point for submissions to Glengarry Life. If you know what you are doing, just proceed. If you are really just starting out, here are some basic instructions to get you underway…
If you wish to submit a new article, you must be logged in as a user. That's how we tell who owns what. To become a user, simply send a request to, and a user user ID and password will be forthcoming.
OK, so now you are a registered user, you can press the login option at the top of the screen. Enter your ID and password, and you should see at the top that you are recognized as logged in as a user of the system. This will allow you to post new articles, and edit existing ones.
To create a new article, simple enter the name of the article in the search field. This allows DokuWiki to check that there isn't already an article with that name. If there is, you will shown that article. If there isn't, you can now create it by selecting 'Create This page' from the top icon (looks like a little page) to the right of the page. Choose your article(page) name, including any capitals, carefully. DokuWIki doesn't have an easy feature of renaming pages (don't know why not….). If you do need to change the name later, it's a matter of copying the old existing text, and pasting it into a new page with the updated name, and then deleting all the text from to old page. Deleting all the text causes DokuWiki to delete the page name, as well.
Once you have a new blank page showing in the page editor, add some text either by typing, or copying and pasting from your own computer. The buttons at the bottom of the editor allow you to preview what your text will look like, and save it if looks OK. Add some text in the 'Edit summary' box to describe what you did. A trail of all edits is maintained, and by describing them, you can easily go back to an earlier version if need be. It also allows us to track changes if you make changes to someone else's article…. This might be a good time to review the topic 'Formatting syntax' from the left sidebar. This describes how to achieve pretty well all formatting effects. You can also learn some of the formatting syntax by going to the page xample-Glengarry County, and on the right icon list, elect to edit the page. Use the Preview button if you make any changes. Please cancel at the end of this, so as not to mess up the example.
At this point, you probably have a good enough understanding to blunder on, on your own.
Pens up, and good luck.