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Helen (McDonald) MacDonell

I started to work for Glengarry Telephone in Aug. ’49 or ’50. 1 worked for two years before going to Bell in Alexandria. When I started I stayed with John J. and Janet McCormick while I trained. After I got the job I stayed at the “central” house. Charlotte MacKinnon ran it and she was the night operator. I was trained by Georgette Paiment. We only worked every second week. The shifts were 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. with 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. off. Mrs. MacKinnon relieved me from 2 – 4 and then again at 9:00 p.m.. It was a seven day a week shift. I got paid $15.00 per week. The only operators I worked with were Georgette and Mrs. MacKinnon. Both were very nice to me. I think I got along well with all our customers; at least I never got any complaints that I know of.

I remember one time the switchboard went off and no-one could hear me from the board. I went down and got Janet to come up. There was a telephone in the entrance hallway (Glengarry Telephone’s first pay-phone). Well she got a chair and for some reason when I got a call I could put it through to her and she could answer the call and I would connect them to whoever they were calling. This went on for about two hours and then the board came back on. I never did know what happened.

I don’t know what else I can say. I enjoyed my work and stay with the Company.


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